You are searching for good



善行,好處,利益 <<形容詞>>好的,優良的,上等的,愉快的,有益的,好心的,慈善的

來源 : pydict

good definition

  1. benefit
  2. moral excellence or admirableness
  3. that which is pleasing or valuable or useful
  4. having desirable or positive qualities especially those suitable for a thing specified
  5. morally admirable
  6. agreeable or pleasing
  7. of moral excellence
  8. thorough
  9. most suitable or right for a particular purpose
  10. resulting favorably
  11. capable of pleasing
  12. appealing to the mind
  13. in excellent physical condition
  14. tending to promote physical well-being; beneficial to health
  15. not forged
  16. not left to spoil
  17. generally admired
來源 : wordnet