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work definition

  1. activity directed toward making or doing something
  2. a product produced or accomplished through the effort or activity or agency of a person or thing
  3. (physics) a manifestation of energy; the transfer of energy from one physical system to another expressed as the product of a force and the distance through which it moves a body in the direction of that force
  4. a place where work is done
  5. exert oneself by doing mental or physical work for a purpose or out of necessity
  6. be employed
  7. have an effect or outcome; often the one desired or expected
  8. shape, form, or improve a material
  9. operate in a certain place, area, or specialty
  10. proceed towards a goal or along a path or through an activity
  11. move in an agitated manner
  12. cause to work
  13. behave in a certain way when handled
  14. operate in or through
  15. cause to operate or function
  16. provoke or excite
  17. gratify and charm, usually in order to influence
  18. move into or onto
  19. arrive at a certain condition through repeated motion
來源 : wordnet