You are searching for holds




來源 : pydict

hold definition

  1. power by which something or someone is affected or dominated
  2. a stronghold
  3. a cell in a jail or prison
  4. have or hold in one's hands or grip
  5. organize or be responsible for
  6. be the physical support of; carry the weight of
  7. contain or hold; have within
  8. remain in a certain state, position, or condition
  9. support or hold in a certain manner
  10. assert or affirm
  11. have as a major characteristic
  12. hold the attention of
  13. remain committed to
  14. stop dealing with
  15. keep from departing
  16. take and maintain control over, often by violent means
  17. cover as for protection against noise or smell
  18. aim, point, or direct
  19. keep from exhaling or expelling
來源 : wordnet